Calabasas Style Magazine

Calabasas Style Magazine

Creative Take out

Support Our Local Restaurants! With the boomeranging restrictions on restaurants due to our pandemic, there are always ways to help keep our favorite haunts from …

Dining Outside

Restaurants continue to do an amazing job to provide an enjoyable dining experience, constantly reinventing themselves to keep up with the pandemic. Many of us …

Staying Connected

We love to see so many people
continuing to find new and exciting ways to enjoy life while respecting health and safety guidelines. Many of us are spending more time outdoors, making us realize just how
much our bodies and minds relish
the fresh air.

How We’re Giving Back

After a trying year, many of us found a sense of gratitude in helping others and building community. We were inspired to assist families in need, encourage healthcare workers, donate to charities, and pursue a variety of volunteer work.

Into Africa

Growing up as an only child with an incredibly active imagination, Stacy Erin Myers DeFranco remembers her favorite pastime as using Crayola crayons to create …