Empowering Successful Future Adults: Breaking the Trend of Helicopter Parenting
Children need attentive parents, but children also need space. They require space to make their own mistakes, learn from them, regroup, and pick themselves up …
Children need attentive parents, but children also need space. They require space to make their own mistakes, learn from them, regroup, and pick themselves up …
Shifting state budget priorities increase need for community support to maintain access to exceptional educational programs. While many California schools now find themselves beneficiaries of Governor …
We made it through the summer; the kids are ready to go back to school. I know everyone is just devastated about all that free …
The kids are back in school, and in a blink of an eye, it will be Christmas. Halloween decorations have been out since August, and …
Get Your Kids Ready with Dr. Tanya’s Back-to-School Checklist As summer draws to a close, it’s time to start preparing your kids to go back …
As Dolly Parton once said, “Here you come again.” That’s right; it’s summer again and here come the kids, home for summer vacation. We are …
Q: What types of programs do you offer in the summer? A: Monarchs has you covered all summer. We are offering curriculum-based classes for Kinder, …
Synergy Academics This summer, Synergy Academics is offering eight incredible summer work-shops. There is something for everyone with their College Essay Boot Camp for rising …
During this time of diminishing budgets and increasing class sizes, some students are challenged in getting the personalized attention they need in a given subject. …
As the kids get back to school and routines start to unfold, having an after-school routine structured and established not only helps children focus, but …
For a kid growing up in years gone by, summer was a beautiful word. It was a golden time filled with bike rides, baseball, surfing, …
Smart phones have expanded our universe to areas previously unimaginable. They are glued to our sides, and we can’t function without them. They must be …