Heroes in Our Midst: The Miller Family
So many brave souls fight on or near the front lines of our current pandemic. One such hero, Mark Miller, relocated with his wife, Shelby, …
Passing the Time Staying at Home
We hiked trails, painted, lost teeth, rode our bikes, drank more wine, celebrated our birthdays while social distancing, and had more family time. Our teachers came out with parades to support studdents, we played with our children even more, mountain biked, gave birth, went a little stir crazy, and enjoyed the beautiful area in which we live.
Everyone’s Best Friend
No matter the age of our pets, they will always remain our babies and our best friends fur-ever, so a day of appreciation is well deserved. Don’t miss out on submitting your photo for next time by joining our mailing list at calabasasstyle.com/join-our-mailing-list.
Here’s to the Class of 2020
We will continue to share pictures of our local seniors. Please feel free to send them in to stylepublishing@gmail.com. Here’s to the class of 2020.
C Style: “Safe at Home” Home Design
As an eternal optimist, I always look for the silver linings. As a residential and commercial interior designer whose entire industry has been greatly affected …
Mentoring for Wealth Preservation
In The Odyssey, the adventurer Odysseus charged a wise elder counselor to stay home in Greece to educate his son while he sailed the Mediterranean …
Gardens for Peace and Serenity
Now that we have all been at home for so long, many of us have no-ticed things around the house that we want to change …
Workshop Wizard Ferd Sobol
Sees the World in Miniature Even before Gulliver first stepped foot upon satirist Jonathan Swift’s imaginary island of tiny Lilliputians, craftsmen created miniature furniture for …
Fairy Villages Bring Joy & Delight
Venesa Klein and her family had just moved back to Calabasas from the Bay Area when the fires struck in 2018. She was still in …
Summer Beauty Tips
Glowy, sunkissed skin is the hallmark of summer beauty. Because my patients and practice are full of beauty connoisseurs, I get the first-hand feedback on …
Let’s Get Back Out There
To say the least, it has been a terrible start to 2020. Too much pain and suffering, business disruptions, and the dramatic altering of our …