The Yoga Facial: Anti-Aging Techniques
The Yoga Facial: Anti-Aging Techniques

The Yoga Facial: Anti-Aging Techniques

yoga facial

It turns out there are 57 muscles that hold up your face, neck, and scalp. The theory is that if you tone these muscles, your skin will follow and get smoother, taking years off your face. This is why we need to fit time in our schedules for a facial yoga routine.

After working out your face, you might have fuller cheeks. This helps lift up your face so there’s less sagging skin, giving you a younger look. This alone makes it worth giving it a shot. As the muscles in your face begin to strengthen, you might also notice fewer fine lines, wrinkles, and crow’s feet.

Start with a 30-minute-a-day face workout. After eight weeks, slow down to three times a week. And next time you’re in the carpool lane, stuck at a red light, or spending too much time on your phone, work out your face too. With exercises like Cheeky Balloon Face, Surprise Me Face, Baby Bird, Mad Frown Face, and Happy Clown Face, you’ll entertain the people around you, if nothing else.

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Benefits of Face Yoga:

  1. Stimulates collagen production
  2. Lifts sagging skin
  3. Tones facial muscles
  4. Helps reduce wrinkles
  5. Restores skin’s elasticity
  6. Tightens and smooths skin
  7. Works skin’s upper, middle, and lower layers
  8. Improves blood circulation
  9. Better nourishes skin
  10. Brings a healthy glow

Before starting any new health-related treatment or supplement, please consult your doctor.