Local Girl Scouts Renovate Casa Pacifica Library
Local Girl Scouts Renovate Casa Pacifica Library

Local Girl Scouts Renovate Casa Pacifica Library

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Makena Large, Kaitlyn Seymour, and Nika Wallach—cadettes from local Girl Scout troop 60385—worked on earning their Silver Award, the highest honor a cadette can achieve, by doing a library renovation project at Casa Pacifica’s main campus in Camarillo. Over the past year, the girls have dedicated their weekends and after-school hours to work on the project. The renovation included repainting the walls, a complete book inventory, restocking current and age-appropriate books, reorganization, and catalog creation. Local businesses and community members made donations of paint, carpet, and books to aid in the girls’ success.

The idea to incorporate Casa Pacifica into their Silver Award came from Makena Large, whose family donates to the nonprofit in honor of her late mother who spent time in the foster system as a child. Casa Pacifica’s mental health programs serve foster and at-risk youth. For more information, visit casapacifica.org.