Quality Products and a Personal Experience

According to a recent study, CBD sales in the U.S. will surpass $20 billion by 2024. There’s little wonder our community and others across the country are seeing an increase in dispensaries and retail stores selling CBD oil products.
One of the most popular, Your CBD Store, recently opened in Woodland Hills. With over 500 locations in the United States and an estimated 1,000 total locations in 2020, it is the largest CBD specialty retail store in our country. International expansion is underway with the United Kingdom and more countries to follow.

Your Partner in Vitality
Each Your CBD Store offers a comfortable and inviting environment where guests can learn about CBD, try free samples, and feel empowered to make a confident choice on the best CBD option for them. The organic growth, client testimonials, and lab reports further attest to the premium quality of their SunMed™ CBD products.
All CBD Oils Are Not Alike
Michelle from the Woodland Hills Your CBD Store says, “Our products are sourced from the highest quality, organically grown hemp from Colorado, certified by the state’s Department of Agriculture. SunMed CBD, recipient of two prestigious Excellence Awards at the recent USA CBD Expo in Miami, is the exclusive provider of our company’s CBD-related products. Our phytocannabinoid-rich (PCR) hemp provides a naturally high CBD level plus an abundance of other beneficial cannabinoids (CBG, CBN, CBC) as well as flavonoids and terpenes, which give each plant distinct aromas, characteristics, and essential amino acids.”

The hemp plant contains over 100 different cannabinoids, including the beneficial CBD, or cannabidiol. This same hemp contains only a small amount of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the principal psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. So, it doesn’t produce the high associated with marijuana. The THC is extracted and removed for broad spectrum products. Many clients do not want the THC or are very sensitive to it so the broad spectrum CBD products are a great alternative. SunMed Chief Science Officer Dr. Anthony Ferrari holds a PhD in analytical chemistry and emphasizes that the company’s product development is focused on and driven by science-based data to provide clients with premium products.
Tinctures and Soft Gels and Supplements, Oh My!
Your CBD Store offers a variety of natural CBD oil products, including water-solubles, edibles, tinctures, soft gels, vaping pens, and topical applications. They even sell tinctures and CBD treats for your favorite pets. Using a CO2 extraction process that eliminates the need for chemical solvents, they produce a high-quality CBD. All products are third-party lab tested with lab reports to match each product.

They do recommend consulting your doctor if you plan to replace your traditional medication with more natural CBD oil products. Michelle and her staff will gladly answer all your CBD questions and partner with you on your journey to health and vitality.
Your CBD Store
22720 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills