Local Doctors Improve Outcomes for Babies Born with Chronic Lung Disease
Local Doctors Improve Outcomes for Babies Born with Chronic Lung Disease

Local Doctors Improve Outcomes for Babies Born with Chronic Lung Disease

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Prematurity is a major pediatric issue in the United States and the world. In the U.S., 9.8% of babies are born before 37 weeks of gestation. These babies can have long-term health problems, such as chronic lung disease, and intellectual disabilities. In the U.S., the rates of chronic lung disease for infants (infants born prematurely that continue to have respiratory problems past 36 weeks of gestation) have remained virtually the same for the past 20 years, ranging between 20% and 30%. 

For the past 10 years, Dr. Rezaie, Dr. Villosis, and their colleagues have strived to incrementally decrease chronic lung disease in infants, culminating in rates that have decreased to as low as 1.6%, as published in JAMA Network Open.

This JAMA article is significant because it demonstrates incremental decrease in chronic lung disease rates in infants with intended changes along the way to continue to improve outcomes.  The shared mental model—consistency of care and approach—was a key factor in accomplishing these rates. 

Doctors Rezaie, Villosis, Ambat, Barseghyan, and Braun are neonatologists at Kaiser Panorama City, Level III, NICU. Dr. Rezaie is a Calabasas resident and cofounder of Montessori of Malibu Canyon. He is a proud Bruin who completed his residency and fellowship at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. 

To read the full JAMA article, visit jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2781459.