Supercar Sunday: Porsche Marque Day
Supercar Sunday: Porsche Marque Day

Supercar Sunday: Porsche Marque Day

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Car show season is here!  Spring and summer, warm weather, dry roads, and long days…everything a car enthusiast dreams of. If you are reading this, you live very close to one of the longest running weekly car shows in the world, Supercar Sunday.   Supercar Sunday, a weekly car show, has been going on since the early 2000s, and many believe it was the paradigm for all other “cars and coffee”-style events around the globe.  

Starting back in the early days, the goal was to get friends together to celebrate the automobile on a Sunday morning.  The only criterion at Supercar Sunday was a good attitude.  You didn’t even need a car to attend, just a love for cars and people.  Fastforward 20-plus years, and the event is still going on and bringing the same diverse crowd of cars and enthusiasts. 

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Supercar Sunday is presented and sponsored by Porsche Woodland Hills, and the second Sunday of every month is Porsche Marque Day with a separate parking area to highlight Porsches of all vintages.  From the newest models to the classics, it is always an incredible showing of cars.  Of course, all other makes and models are welcome.  On the Porsche Marque Day, Porsche Woodland Hills has vehicles on display, donuts, and “giveaways” as well as a full staff ready to assist with any of your Porsche questions. 

Consider this a formal invitation to come to Supercar Sunday.  Bring a friend, bring the family, bring a cool car, or ride a bike over—we would love to have you as part of the community.  

For more information, visit