Congregation Or Ami Mitzvah Day
In an amazing outdoor Mitzvah Day Festival, Congregation Or Ami assembled 16,000 items into 500 comfort bags created for children who will be entering foster care. This annual event, the cornerstone of the Calabasas synagogue’s commitment to Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), featured live music and inspiring volunteerism from families of all ages.
Rabbi Paul Kipnes said, “This sacred assembly line ensures that 500 young people will be greeted by love and compassion as their lives are turned upside down as they are rescued from homes of neglect and abuse to places of safety.”
Co-chairs Rachel and Paul Dashevsky and Rachel Paul and Mitzvah Day originator Laurie Tragen-Boykoff worked with a team of volunteers over just six weeks to ensure that their Jewish values of chesed (kindness) and rachamim (compassion) became manifest through the sacred assembly line. “We hope these comfort bags bring peace of mind and soul to the children who receive them,” added a message from the co-chairs.