Calabasas Chamber 2020 Installation Gala
Calabasas Chamber 2020 Installation Gala

Calabasas Chamber 2020 Installation Gala

The Calabasas Chamber kicked off the New Year with its 2020 Chamber of Commerce Board Installation Gala held at the beautiful, new Calabash room at the Calabasas Country Club on January 25. Success of this event could not have been achieved without the tireless efforts of President/CEO Bridget Karl. Master of Ceremonies Maria Dunleavey of LLS honored Lois Julien with the Spirit of Calabasas Award. The 2020 recipient of the Chairman’s Award was Mary Atherton of COTY. Joining in the celebration were many of the city’s elected leaders, including Mayor Alicia Weintraub, Mayor Pro Tem James Bozajian, Councilwoman Mary Sue Mauer, and Councilman David Shapiro. Representatives of Congress, state government, and county government were also in attendance and presented certificates of appreciation.

Mayor Alicia Weintraub installed the board members, including Anastasia Alexander, Mary Atherton, Billy Solano, Mike McNutt, Bonnie Mulholland, Mark Miller, Steven Weiss, Gina Lapiner, Iris Stone, Mark Levinson, Raychel Harrison, and Rachel Podor. 

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