Study, Explore, Learn
Study, Explore, Learn

Study, Explore, Learn

Most of us were raised with our parents telling us to study hard, get good grades, and qualify for a great college. That is still good advice. So, unless you are 6 feet, 8 inches tall and can shoot the lights out using a basketball, you should probably study, study, study.

With all the technology tools at our disposal, you can start out on the right educational track no matter what age you are. The tech industry is booming. Getting an early start can only benefit you as you get closer to the job market. Whether it’s learning multiple languages or figuring out how to code a computer, the more skills the better.

As silly as it sounds, learning how to type used to be offered as a class in school. Today, most educational facilities don’t teach it; it’s a skill that I use every day at work and at home.

The Almena Method claims it can teach you to type in just one hour. You can purchase the downloadable program for $35 at

tech talk sept 2019

If you or your child are interested in learning how to write computer codes, check out the Kano Harry Potter Coding Kit. It has over 70 different tasks and sells for around $125. Who knows? With this skill, you might create the next great computer game and make millions.

Does your kid have an interest in chemistry but is, perhaps, too afraid to tackle it? The Crayola Color Chemistry Set will teach him or her to create exploding volcanoes or quicksand; it’s a fun and painless way to experiment with chemistry.

The drone industry has exploded over the last few years as many businesses are now using them for various purposes. The Circuit Scribe Drone Builder Kit, which sells for $100, teaches electrical If you are looking for online education, there are a number of online universities that help you get a degree and offer financial aid should you need it.

The University of Arkansas offers online programs to help you get a master’s degree in educational learning. Also, Morehead State University and Troy University offer online degree programs.

If you need help with a tutoring program, Course Hero can help you access over 25 million courses. They can help find study guides, class notes, and other educational links.

If you are looking to enrich your life with education, the ForsythTech Community College can help at programs/personal-enrichment. ForsythTech offers classes that include arts; foods (learn how to bake a cake); finance; languages; photography; and even birdwatching. They offer a number of online courses and financial-aid programs.

No matter what path your life takes you, additional education can never hurt you or your children.

Personally, I prefer to watch Jeopardy on TV from the safety of my couch (which is located a short 20 steps from the refrigerator). To each his own.

marc cohen

See you on the radio!

Marc Cohen