Parents are multitasking 24 hours a day so it’s no wonder we’re exhausted and often feel like we’re going crazy keeping up with all we have to do. Parenthood is the hardest job there is, and yet, we wouldn’t trade it for anything because it’s also the most rewarding. We strive to be perfect so we don’t mess up our kids, and we make sure they have everything they need to succeed.
We try to be role models to empower them so they are ready for adulthood and for the day they move out, which is a bittersweet day for all parents. We may be bursting with pride when this happens, and so excited for them, yet we know life will never be the same—our kids will never depend on us as much as they did in the past. At the same time, we know this means we did a good job and can look forward to new types of adventures ahead for them and that we can share.
I ran across this quote on how to be a perfect parent, and I thought it summed up parenthood today quite well:
“Make sure your children’s academic, emotional, psychological, mental, spiritual, physical, nutritional, and social needs are met while being careful not to overstimulate, under-stimulate, improperly medicate, helicopter, or neglect them in a screen-free, processed-foods-free, GMO-free, negative-energy-free, plastic-free, body-positive, socially conscious, egalitarian-but-also-authoritative, nurturing-but-not-fostering-of independence, gentle-but-not-overly-permissive,
pesticide-free, two-story, multilingual home, preferably in a cul-de-sac with a backyard and 1.5 siblings spaced at least two years apart for proper development; also don’t forget the coconut oil.”
We may not always do everything right, and it’s okay not to be a perfect parent. Our children will thrive in spite of us. Give them a lot of love, plus room to succeed or fail and read them a bedtime story yourself. Don’t let Alexa do it.