“Beauty and the Beast” may be just a fairytale, however it’s assumed the “Beast” is male and the “Beauty,” female. What happens when the beast wants to become more beautiful? Fortunately, men today can find a plethora of products, from nail polish to lip gloss, to let their beauty shine.
Makeup is not only being used by more men these days, it’s being created especially for them. After all, the male bird is naturally more colorful than his female counterpart. So, why shouldn’t men follow suit, accentuating their soulful brown eyes or baby blues with a little eye liner or plumping up those kissable lips with a bit of balm? In addition to shaving their beards, men can now shave a few years off their looks with under-eye concealer and find the perfect skincare products to keep their faces glowing.
The new trend towards “soft masculinity” continues to shake up preconceived notions of male and female. It’s no longer taboo for men to use serums, moisturizers, even brow kits to keep those furry hairs in place. Let’s face it—we all want to look our best. The surest way for any sex to keep aging skin in check is by creating a healthy barrier against the elements through cleansing and moisturizing.
The skincare and fashion industries continue to break traditional gender barriers, tailoring new products to men’s changing needs. From floral and pink power suits to dyed hair and smudged eyeliner, they continue to redefine men’s beauty. This urge is really nothing new. After all, men wore makeup in ancient Egypt to denote status and class. Now, they’re simply using fashion and cosmetics to express their beautiful selves.