Life Is Short, Wear the Dress!
Life Is Short, Wear the Dress!

Life Is Short, Wear the Dress!

wear the dress
Photography by Marvin Steindler

Our wedding dresses are the most expensive dresses we own in most cases, and we only wear them once. True, we feel like a queen for the day when we wear them, but it’s a day, and then we put them away. Many of us have them preserved in acid-free chambers, and we store them in this enormous box that takes up a lot of room. I know my daughters will never wear my dress. Fashions change, and the puffy sleeves I chose will never make a comeback.

So, why do we save these dresses? Is it nostalgia? Is it just something we do because of our mothers? Do we secretly hope our daughters will change their minds? All I know is that I don’t blame my daughters for not wanting to wear my dress and for wanting to pick their own fabulous dresses for one of the best days of their lives. So, do we dare to go into the darkest corners of the attic to retrieve these dusty boxes sealed decades ago and actually try on and wear these dresses? Why don’t we have a tradition where we try it on once a year on our anniversaries? Or have a party and invite over all our girlfriends to wear their wedding dresses or even a bridesmaid dress if they prefer? Some divorced women might not love the man anymore in that way, but they still love the dress. It’s a whole new type of theme party that women will love. Our other options for the dress are Halloween, as a costume for a play, or even to donate it. There are organizations such as Casa Pacifica that will take bridesmaids dresses and The Angel Gown Program that takes wedding dresses.

Life is short. Buy the dress, wear the dress, and bring it out every year to feel like a queen again and remember your special day.